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第26章 名詞構文




Let me have a look at it.
He is a fast runner.


ビートルズの歌詞の中の名詞構文は下記のものを見つけました。do the gardenやdo harmなどです。


Paperback Writer will you take a look(見てくれませんか)
She's Leaving Home Waiting to keep the appointment she made(約束を守って待っている)
When I'm Sixty-Four doing the garden, digging the weeds(庭の手入れをしたり、雑草を抜いたり)
Oh! Darling I'll never do you no harm(決して君を傷つけたりしない)
Magical Mystery Tour Roll up, to make a reservation(集まれ、予約をするために)
The Continuing Story of Bangalow Bill Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise(ビルと彼の象は驚いた)
How Do You Sleep
(John LenonのソロアルバムImagineの中の1曲)
So Sgt. Pepper took you by surprise(そうサージェントペッパーは君を驚かせただろう)


Every Breath You Take
(The Police)
Every breath you take(君が息づかいするたびに)
Every move you make(君が動くたびに)

第26章 名詞構文

26-1. have a lookの形

26-2. He is a fast runnerの形

26-3. to our (great) surpriseの形

26-4. his absence from the partyの形

26-5. the fact of your meeting himの形

26-6. at the sight of; at the thought of「〜を見て」,「〜を思って」

26-1. have a lookの形

主に、do, give, have, make, takeなどの基本動詞を使って、「動詞+冠詞(所有格)+名詞」という形をとる。

The child gave a cry of hunger.(その子は空腹のために泣き叫んだ)
We made an attempt to reach the town in time.(私達は時間に遅れずに町に着けるよう努力した)<不定詞がつく>
Since the girls spent so much time cooking, we told them that we boys would do the dishes.(女子が料理にあれだけの時間をかけたんだから、我々男子で食器の後片付けをしようと言った)
≪類例≫do one's [the] hair [teeth] (髪を結う、歯を磨く)、 give an answer(答える)、 give a 〜 look(〜の顔つきをする)、have a bath(chat, drink, etc.)(入浴(談笑、飲酒などを)する)、have a try(やってみる)、take a look(見る)、take a bite(かじる)

上の表現の中には、名詞と同形の動詞で言い換えられるものが多い。give a cry=cry, make an attempt=attemptなど。

26-2. He is a fast runnerの形


He is a good listener(あの人は聞き上手だ)
She is a good swimmer.(彼女は泳ぎがうまい)
=She is good at swimming.
They are both bad tennis players.(彼らは2人ともテニスが下手だ)
He teaches mathematics.= He is a mathematics teacher [a teacher of mathematics].(あの人は数学の先生だ)

26-3. to our (great) surpriseの形


To my great delight, our experiment was a success.= I was very much delighted to see that our experiment was a success.(とても嬉しかったことに我々の実験は成功した)
To her disappointment, his letter didn't come.= She was disappointed to know that his letter did not come.(彼女ががっかりしたことには、彼の手紙は来なかった)

26-4. his absence from the partyの形


his absence from the party(彼がパーティーに出なかったこと)
He is [was] absent from the party.(彼はパーティーに出ない[出なかった])
He realized his willingness to go there.<形容詞からのもの>= He realized that he was willing to go there.
We are surprised at the news ofher readiness to go there = We are surprised at the news that she is ready to go there. <形容詞からのもの>(彼女はそこに行く用意ができているという知らせに私たちは驚いています)
The appearance of the father in the door-way settled everything. <動詞からのもの> = When the father appeared in the door-way, everything was settled.(父親が戸口に姿を見せたので、万事が収まった)
His application for the post was rejected. <動詞からのもの>= He applied for for the post but it was rejected.(彼はその地位を志願したが、拒否された)
Columbus's discovery of America was a big event in history.<動詞からのもの> = Colubmus discovered America and it was a big event in history.(コロンブスがアメリカを発見したことは歴史上大きな出来事だった)

entrance into the room(←enter the room)
attendance at the meeting(←attend the meeting)

26-5. the fact of your meeting himの形

「名詞+of (one's)〜ing」の形をとる。つなぎの前置詞ofは、同格関係を示す。

the fact of your meeting him
the fact that you met him (君が会ったという事実)


The house gives no evidence of having been occupied.=The house gives no evidence that it has been occupied.(その家は今までに(人が)住んでいた(という)形跡はない)
The likelihood of his starving is strong.= The likelihood that he will starve is strong.(彼が飢えそうだという見込みが強い)

26-6. at the sight of; at the thought of「〜を見て」,「〜を思って」

He ran away at the sight of the policeman.= He ran away when he saw the policeman.(彼は警察官の姿を見ると逃げ出した)
She shuddered at the (mere) thought of war.= She shuddered when she thought of war.(彼女は戦争と思っただけで身震いした)


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