Roses at Hanaasobi on May 20, 2016 (Part 2)

We visited Rose Festival held at Hanaasobi in Aso City on May 20, 2016. This page shows representative rose flowers. The name of roses are as follows: Goethe Rose, Johann Strauss, Liv Tyler, Only Love, Albirex Barbier, Prix P.J.Redoute, Sonia Rykiel, Rio Samba, Andre Gurandie, Ma Normandie, Gruss an Aachen, France Info, Angel Fragrance, and Claret.

“Ha-na a-so-bi” is literally means “花遊び” in Japanese. Therefore, the name “Hana-Asobi” originally means “playing with flowers” or something like that. But, the name of “はな阿蘇美” that corresponds to “Hana-Aso-Bi” means “Flower” + “Aso” + “Beauty”. Therefore, It’s a kind of “Dajare”, that is, playing on words in Japanese. In other words, “Dajare” is a kind of comic Japanese word play, similar in spirit to pun relying on similarities in the pronunciation of words to create a simple joke. Of course, flower “はな” means “rose” in this case.

Photos of Rose Festival of English Rose Garden-style Dome “Hana-Aso-Bi (Part 2).”

Goethe Rose

Goethe Rose

Goethe Rose

Goethe Rose

Johann Strauss

Johann Strauss

Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler

Only Love

Only Love

Albirex Barbier

Albirex Barbier

Prix P.J.Redoute

Prix P.J.Redoute

Prix P.J.Redoute

Prix P.J.Redoute

Sonia Rykiel

Sonia Rykiel

Rio Samba

Rio Samba

Andre Gurandie

Andre Gurandie

Ma Normandie

Ma Normandie

Gruss an Aachen

Gruss an Aachen

France Info

France Info

Angel Fragrance

Angel Fragrance




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