Cherry Blossom in 2014 and 2016

We can enjoy cherry blossoms of Someiyoshino every year. March is the month of Ha-na-mi (はなみ )or O-ha-na-mi (おはなみ). Hanami party is held under the trees of cherry blossoms in (full) bloom during daytime or nighttime. Some Japanese use hanami as an excuse of drinking alcohol such as beers and chu-ha-i (チューハイ). Chu-ha-i is said to be originally a mixture of sho-chu (しょうちゅう) and highball (ha-i-bo-ru, ハイボール). So-me-i-yo-shi-no, most major Sakura (sa-ku-ra, さくら) in Japan, blooms at the end of March. Sakura is a Japanese name of cherry blossoms.

When you make a toast, you say “Cheers!”. When you want to make a toast with Japanese friends in Japan, you say “Kan-pa-i”. “Kanpai” corresponds to “Cheers”. When you lead a group of people and have to say “Kanpai” in front of the people, loudly pronounce “Kanpai” as “Kan-pa-i”.

Sakura is treated like a national flower of Japan the same as chrysanthemum.

March 28, 2014

sakura in 2016

sakura in 2016

sakura in 2016

sakura in 2016

sakura in 2016

sakura in 2016

March 22, 2016

cherry blossom 2016

cherry blossom 2016

cherry blossom 2016

March 24, 2016

cherry blossom 2016

cherry blossom 2016

cherry blossom 2016


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