Rose at Hanaasobi on May 20, 2016 (Part 3)

This page shows representative rose flowers of Rose Festival held at Hanaasobi on May 20, 2016. The name of roses are as follows: Hot Cocoa (Hot Chocolate), Maurice Utrillo, Sir Clough, Audrey Hepburn, Grimaldi, Sarabande, Snow White, Lady Emma Hamilton, California Dreaming, La Reine De La Nuit, Jean Giono, Gruss an Aachen, and Princess Michiko.

Photos of Rose Festival of English Rose Garden-style Dome “Hana-Aso-Bi (Part 3).”

Hot Cocoa (Hot Chocolate)

Hot Cocoa (Hot Chocolate)

Maurice Utrillo

Maurice Utrillo

Sir Clough

Sir Clough

Audrey Hepburn

 Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn

 Audrey Hepburn







Snow White

Snow White

Lady Emma Hamilton

Lady Emma Hamilton

California Dreaming

California Dreaming

California Dreaming

California Dreaming

La Reine De La Nuit

La Reine De La Nuit

Jean Giono

Jean Giono

Gruss an Aachen

Gruss an Aachen

Princess Michiko

Princess Michiko


  1. Transient cherry blossoms “Isshingyo No Oozakura”

  2. Annual Events in Japan

  3. Condensation trail in the western sky before the sunset

  4. Tawara-Yama windmills and burned field in Minami-Aso Village

  5. A flower of passion fruit bloomed in only 20 min

  6. A rambling soft-shelled turtle

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