Tawara-Yama windmills and burned field in Minami-Aso Village

This page shows several photographs of Tawarayama after burning field, that is called “no-ya-ki”, and ten windmills located at Minami-Aso Tawara-Yama for wind power generation. A photograph of “E-bo-shi da-ke”, one of the five main mountain of Aso-San is also shown.

When you see stranger somewhere on your way to the destination in Japan and want to talk to them, I strongly recommend that you say “Kon-ni-chi-wa” (こんにちは) in Japanese. This is written “こんにちは” in Japanese Hi-ra-ga-na. If you said “Hello!” in English, they could run away because they think they have to answer in English. Most Japanese living in local area cannot speak English unlike Tokyoites working at the central Japan.

Other important words:
“Ya-ma” (山) is “mountain”.
“Mi-na-mi” (南) is “south”.
“Ki-ta” (北) is “north”.
“Hi-ga-shi” (東) is “east”.
“Ni-shi” (西) is “west”.
“Mu-ra” (村) is “Village”.
“A-so Go-ga-ku” (阿蘇五岳) is “main five mountains that composes Aso-San”: Ta-ka-da-ke (高岳), Na-ka-da-ke (中岳), Ne-ko-da-ke (根子岳), e-bo-shi-da-ke (烏帽子岳), Ki-shi-ma-da-ke (杵島岳).
“San” of “A-so-San” (阿蘇山) means “mountain”. When “yama” which means “mountain” in English is combined with another word as suffix, we usually pronounce it as “san” or “zan” depending on the name of the mountain. “Fu-ji-san” (富士山) is “Fuji” and “yama”. We don’t say “Fu-ji-zan”. “A-so-zan” or “A-so-san” (阿蘇山) is “Aso” and “yama”.

Other proper nouns:
“Mo-e-No-Sa-to” is “萌の里”
“Ni-shi-ha-ra Mu-ra” is “西原村”
“Mu-ra” (村) is “village”.

March 16, 2016

Windmill of TawarayamaOn my way to Minami-Aso Village via Tawara-yama by-pass.

From Kumamoto City to Minami-Aso Village, we take Prefectural Road No.28 (Tawara-yama by-pass) to the east. Then we find this monument at the Moe-No-Sato of Nishihara village after passing through a Products Display Center of Nishihara village. That store is located at the right side of here.

Windmill of TawarayamaThis is a monument at the bridge of Tawara-yama By-pass.

When taking Prefectural Road No.28 to the east, we find this monument. Because I’m a Mac user, this monument always reminds me of OS X of my laptop Mac.

Windmill of Tawarayama

The old road to the top of Tawara-Yama is turning right.

Windmill of Tawarayama

We can see ten windmills for wind power generation at around the top of Tawara-Yama.

Windmill of Tawarayama

The surface of the hill looks black because of burning field, called “No-ya-ki”. Every March, people in Aso burns dry grasses. By the way, we drive car on the right side of the road in Japan like UK.

Windmill of Tawarayama

When we came out of the two tunnels (Minami-Aso tunnel and Tawara-Yama tunnel), Eboshi-Dake (center) and Kishima-Dake (left), two mountains among main five mountains which are called “Aso-Gogaku”, are seen from the parking area on the left hand of the road.


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