A rambling soft-shelled turtle

I succeeded in taking photos and animation of a big soft-shelled turtle rambling at an extremely close range in gutter. It is generally very difficult to see soft-shelled turtle continue to move because it stops moving to get ready for escape as soon as it recognizes human as an enemy. The suppon began to move toward upstream under the bridge. Then, I decided to lie in wait for it from above the edge of the bridge. As anticipated, the suppon appeared at an extremely close range. I continued to record the act with my compact digital camera. But, as soon as the suppon found me, it stopped moving and watched me. As soon as I began to move, the suppon quickly concealed itself under the turbid water. How funky soft-shelled turtle is!

A rambling soft-shelled turtle on June 3, 2016

June 3 6:50

Pincers of crayfish
Pincers of crayfish were left in gutter. A suppon seems to ate the crayfish last night.

June 3 6:51

A pond snail
Near the remains of the crayfish, I found a pond snail.

June 3 6:51

Rambling Suppon
Then I found a big soft-shelled turtle (Suppon in Japanese) under the bridge. Probably this suppon ate the crayfish.

June 3 6:53

Rambling Suppon
From the bridge, I took animation at an extremely close range for 2 min. No sooner had the suppon noticed me, it concealed itself in mud right under here.

June 3 6:54

After Suppon's escape
The suppon concealed itself in mud right under here.

June 3 6:56

Suppon's nest
On my way home, I found a raised mud under which a big soft-shelled turtle might conceal itself. It must be a temporary nest of big suppon.

June 3 6:58

Track of big suppon

This is a track of big suppon.

June 3 7:00

Small suppon's nest

I also found a small suppon’s temporary nest (at the center of this photo).


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