A flower of passion fruit bloomed in only 20 min

The formal name of passionfruit is referred to as Passiflora edulis. The meaning of passion in this case is not “zeal” but “suffering”.

The process of passion fruit blooms

May 27 7:19

Bud of passion fruit
Top of bud has become slightly white. This is a sign of blooming.

May 27 7:48

Bud of passion fruit
The bud is about to bloom.

May 27 9:40

Bud of passion fruit is about to bloom
One sepal opened.

May 27 9:47

Flower of passion fruit
The rest of sepals and five petals have also begun to open at the same time.

May 27 9:48

Flower of passion fruit
Photo was taken from the side of the flower. Five sepals and five petals are arranged alternately.

May 27 9:50

Flower of passion fruit
About 80% of blooming.

May 27 9:53

Flower of passion fruit
About 90% of blooming.

May 27 9:54

Flower of passion fruit
The shape was slightly changed compared with that of 1 min ago. The change is fast.

May 27 9:57

Flower of passion fruit
The blooming has almost been completed.

May 27 10:31

Flower of passion fruit
Five sepals and five petals seems to slightly wither. But this is not true.

May 27 10:32

Lantern-like form of vine
The shape of the vine was fixed like a lantern. This is called “An-don-ji-ta-te (あんどん仕立て)”.

May 27 13:03

Flower of passion fruit
Three pistils are in contact with five stamens lightly.

May 27 13:04

Flower of passion fruit
Paracorollas are violet and white. An ovary will bigin to grow in a few days.

May 27 17:19

Flower of passion fruit
Three pistils began to come up again.

May 27 19:05

Flower of passion fruit
Five sepals and five petals began to come up again. The flower will be closed in the night.

The process of coming into flower after 10 min from onset (May 27, 2016, 9:50〜9:52)

The process of coming into flower (continued) (May 27, 2016, 9:53〜9:55)

The process of coming into flower (continued) (May 27, 2016, 9:57〜9:59)


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