Translation of Everyday English into Japanese

When you visit Japan, you will probably speak Everyday English among friends. If you try to speak Japanese, then you will find that Japanese people will like you for it and show their appreciation for your efforts.

Translation of Everyday English into Japanese

This soup is good. このスープはおいしい。Ko-no su-pu wa o-i-shi-i
Good luck! 幸運を祈ってます。Ko-un wo i-not-te i-ma-su
Absolutely not!
No way!
Hell no!
ありえない! A-ri-e-na-i
Can you give me a discount? まけてもらえませんか? Ma-ke-te mo-ra-e-ma-sen-ka
It cost 100 yen even. ちょうど100円でした。Cho-do hya-ku-en de-shi-ta
Stop fighting. けんかはやめて! Ken-ka wa ya-me-te
I’m so proud of you! よくがんばったね! Yo-ku gan-bat-ta ne
I have no idea. わかりません。 Wa-ka-ri-ma-sen
Three coffee, please. コーヒーを3つお願いします。ko-hi wo mit-tsu o-ne-ga-i-shi-ma-su
How much is it?
How much does it cost?
いくらですか? I-ku-ra de-su-ka
It’s kind [sort] of expensive.
It’s somewhat expensive.
It’s a bit expensive.
ちょっと高いですね。 Chot-to ta-ka-i de-su-ne
How old are you? 何歳ですか? Nan-sa-i de-su-ka
I am depressed.
I am bummed (out).
がっかりです。 Gak-ka-ri de-su
Sorry, I’m late. 遅れてごめんなさい。 O-ku-re-te go-men-na-sa-i
I’m hot. 暑い。A-tsu-i
I’m cold. 寒い。Sa-mu-i
It’s a nice day.
It’s a beautiful day.
It’s a lovely day.
いい天気ですね。I-i ten-ki de-su-ne


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