In the spring there are a variety of flowers and beautiful green leaves. From the end of March to the beginning of April, many people all over Japan go out to admire the cherry blossoms in full bloom. After the petals of cherry blossoms fell, peach blossoms have fallen. Flowers of blueberry, ebine, akebi, and mube are in full bloom. Blueberry and mube bear fruits. But typhoons cause reduction of crops every year especially in Kyushu. In recent years, wild aminals such as badgers, Japanese minks, stoats, and moles have increased. They cause a wide variety of damage to the fruits from now on, resulting in reduced harvesting.
“Mo-mo” (もも、桃) is “peach”.
“Sa-ku-ra” (さくら、桜) is “cherry blossom”.
“Sa-ku-ran-bo” (さくらんぼ) is “cherry fruit”.
“Mu-be” (ムベ、むべ) is “Stauntonia hexaphylla”.
“A-ke-bi” (アケビ、あけび、) is “akebi; Akebiae Caulis; Akebia quinata”.
“Mo-ku-ren” (もくれん、モクレン、木蓮) is “magnolia”.
“Bu-ru-be-rɪ” (ブルーベリー) is “buleberry”.
“Hi-me-rin-go” (ひめりんご、ヒメリンゴ、姫林檎) is “crabapple”.
“E-bi-ne” (えびね、エビネ、海老根) is “Calanthe”.
By the way, in Japan, everybody knows the name of “Ringo Starr” because “Ringo” means “apple”. It is said that when Yoko Ono saw John Lennon for the first time, she did not know him. She was not interested in The Beatles at all. But, she only knew the name of Ringo Starr because “Ringo” means “apple” in Japan. Ringo Starr was featured in a Takara Shuzo TV commercial in 1996. He was saying “Rin-go sut-ta”. That means “I grated apple (りんごすった、りんご摺った)”. Takara Shuzo sells “宝 CANチューハイ すりおろしりんご” that is a can chuhai (a shochu-based beverage) containing grated apple.
Flowers blooming in my garden in April 2016
Blueberry Blossoms
(April 9, 2016)
Blueberry Blossoms
(April 9, 2016)
Flowers of Mube
(April 9, 2016)
Pistil of Akebi
(April 9, 2016)
Stamen of Akebi
(April 9, 2016)
Buds of Himeringo
(April 9, 2016)
Flowers of Himeringo
(April 9, 2016)
Flowers of Ebine
(April 10, 2016)
Flowers of Ebine
(April 10, 2016)
Cherry Fruits
(April 10, 2016)
Flowers of Kawanakajima Peach
(April 10, 2016)